44th Glasgow Company, The Boys' Brigade


The 44th Glasgow Company, The Boys' Brigade is affiliated to Cardonald Parish Church

Sections >>>

Anchor Boys

Junior Section Company Section Seniors

Company Section

Welcome to the Company Section area of our website 

The Company Section is for Boys in Primary 7, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 & S6. 

Where & When??

The Company Section meets from 7.40pm-10pm on Friday nights in Cardonald Parish Church.

What do we do??

On a Friday Night, all Boys participate in the Brigade's Discover Programme which engages them in a fun, balanced challenging programme under the 3 programme zones:

  • Recreation

  • Community

  • Skills

If you click on the logo below you can have a look and see how the Boys are progressing.

On Sundays, Boys attend our Bible Class from 10-10.30am.

 There are also various trips and nights out for the boys throughout the year.

Have a look at our Activities Sections to see what we get up to throughout the week!

Every Summer, we go away for a 2 week Camp to Seahouses, Northumberland.  Have a look at our Camp Section to find out more!

Company Section News

Annual Inspection & Display
Our Annual Inspection & Display
was held on Friday 28 March 2014 in Cardonald Parish Church.

Thanks go to Mr Kenny Crawford for being our Inspecting Officer and to all parents, family and friends for coming along and supporting the boys!


Inter-Squad Competition

Throughout the year we have an Inter-Squad Competition.  Click here to see when each event was played, which Boys participated and the final scores and positions.


General Information

New Members Always Welcome!

Download Introduction Letter for Session 2011 >>>>> CLICK HERE

Annual Consent Form

Company Section Annual Consent Forms   due back now.  Download and fill in electronic version >>>>> CLICK HERE

Company Section



Bugle Band



Table Tennis



© 44th GCBB 2011

The 44th Glasgow Company, The Boys' Brigade is a charitable body. Registered in Scotland: Registration number SC000376.