44th Glasgow Company, The Boys' Brigade


The 44th Glasgow Company, The Boys' Brigade is affiliated to Cardonald Parish Church

Sections >>>

Anchor Boys

Junior Section Company Section Seniors


The Company Section participate in many activities throughout the year.

Have a look around the site to see what we get up to - or come along and see for yourelf!


Friday Nights

All Boys participate in badgework classes and other activities - e.g. trampoline, box, games etc.

There are also various trips and nights out for the boys throughout the year.


Saturday Morning

We run three football teams which compete in the Glasgow Battalion Junior, Intermediate and Senior 7-a-side leagues.

Have a look on the football page to see how our teams are doing!


Sunday Morning

All members attend Bible Class on Sunday mornings from 10am to 10.30am in Cardonald Parish Church.

Week Nights

Throughout the week we have lots of activities on at Jubilee House (our own hall) where all members can attend:

football training
table tennis

Have a look on the individual activities pages to see what we get up to.


Inspection & Display

At the end of the year, the boys participate in the Annual Inspection and Display, which is usually scheduled for April.

Parents are invited along to see what the boys do at the Company and at the end of the evening, there is a prize giving ceremony for the principal Prizewinners.

Company Section

Activities >>>


Bugle Band



Table Tennis




© 44th GCBB 2011

The 44th Glasgow Company, The Boys' Brigade is a charitable body. Registered in Scotland: Registration number SC000376.