44th Glasgow Company, The Boys' Brigade


The 44th Glasgow Company, The Boys' Brigade is affiliated to Cardonald Parish Church

Sections >>>

Anchor Boys

Junior Section Company Section Seniors


The 44th Glasgow Company have an annual camp for the Senior Boys, Company Section Boys and the 'Senior' Boys in the Junior Section.


The Company has been canvas camping for many years and has formed a special relationship with the village of Seahouses, Northumberland, where we have been camping since 1954.

The camp site is one mile from the village of Seahouses, 400 yards from the village of Beadnell and across the road from a beautiful beach.

Camping in Style

The 44th Camp is no ordinary Camp - with electric lighting in all tents, hot showers, a TV and video, snooker, pool, table tennis in the games marquee, and a chef to cook our meals!

While at camp the boys will be given three cooked meals (2 courses at breakfast and lunch and 3 courses at tea) each day. A chef is employed to cook these meals.

Over the years we have built up Camp, acquiring all of our own equipment including canvas, electric generator and even an industrial cooker.

Camp Activities

Activities include inter-tent sports competitions; individual snooker, pool, table tennis, draughts, chess, tennis and golf competitions; swimming trips to Alnwick and Berwick baths are supervised by an officer and there are usually visits to places of interest such as Bamburgh Castle, Newcastle, Whitley Bay and an outdoor activity centre.

Boys are free to visit the villages each afternoon and evening.

At least 10 officers expect to be present at camp and some of their wives will be staying near camp.

Camp News 

Camp 2014: 29th July 2014 - 2nd August 2014

If any parents require any further information please call at the Church Hall any Friday night or e-mail us at: 


Click here to see a map of the area

Link to Seahouses Website

Camp Videos

Some previous Camp Videos are available on line. 
Click on the links to view on Youtube;

Camp 2012 Part 1        Camp 2012 Part 2

Camp 2011 Part 1     Camp 2011 Part 2

Camp 2010 Part 1     Part 2     Part 3

Company Section



Bugle Band



Table Tennis

Camp >>>


© 44th GCBB 2011

The 44th Glasgow Company, The Boys' Brigade is a charitable body. Registered in Scotland: Registration number SC000376.