44th Glasgow Company, The Boys' Brigade


The 44th Glasgow Company, The Boys' Brigade is affiliated to Cardonald Parish Church

Sections >>>

Anchor Boys

Junior Section Company Section Seniors


One Hundred Years of the 44th

An account of the history of the Company has been published to celebrate 100 years of the 44th.

The book is available from all officers or by e-mailing your order priced £7.50.

Key Dates & Info

The Company was founded in 1901 and was originally numbered the 1st Cardonald Company.

The first meeting place was at 'The Halfway'.

We then took the name of the "44th Glasgow" and moved to Cardonald Parish Church Halls.

Jubilee House was built by the then Captain of the Company, Dr J B Forsyth, to celebrate the Company's Jubilee year.

If you know of someone who was in the Company and has moved, please e-mail us their new address so that we can keep our records up to date.


Centenary Reunion Dinner

Date : Friday 7th Dec 2001

Venue : Paisley Town Hall

There were over 165 ex-members attending the dinner, Old and Young, some from as far away as Canada and Switzerland and some who still stay locally.

We hope that everyone enjoyed themselves - we think they did - and we would like to thank our invited speakers John Neil, Bobby Thomson, Eric Woodburn and Willie MacDougal for entertaining us on the night.

On Sunday 9th December 2001 the Company and over 70 Ex-members Paraded to Cardonald Parish Church from Jubilee House - with an Ex-Members Pipe Band reforming for the day !  Some of the officers took parts of the service and the Senior Boys took the collection and handed out the order of service to all visitors.  This was a very memorable church service and we would like to thank Rev E McLachlan and the Kirk Session for allowing us to take part in the service.  We would also like to thank the ladies who very kindly prepared our finger buffet which many of the ex-members, current staff and some of the present members enjoyed after the March Past.

If you are an ex-member of the company and wish to get in touch, please e-mail us at info@the44.co.uk


Past Captains

1901-03 R Smith

1903-13 D Smith

1913-19 W Henry

1919-22 J Mackay

1922-26 J Paterson

1926-28 R Forsyth

1928-33 T Armour

1933-36 A Kennedy

1936-38 A Donnelly

1938-39 Dr JB Forsyth

1939-40 J McGregor

1940-46 R Duncan

1948-55 Dr JB Forsyth

1955-57 J Hutton

1957-60 A Calder

1960-63 W Robb

1963-65 D Keith

1965-76 D Forrest

1976-79 D Keith

1979-93 R Thomson

1993-2011 J McDonald

General Information


Contact & Links


History  >>>



© 44th GCBB 2011

The 44th Glasgow Company, The Boys' Brigade is a charitable body. Registered in Scotland: Registration number SC000376.